Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Testing . . .

Testing out my new Clay creation!!

P.S. If you want to see a picture a little bigger, just click on it!


Anonymous said...

Sarah - I just couldn't stop in without commenting on your very clever 'cube'. I don't think that I'll ever get that skilled.
I am so glad that you are back states side, and back with us at Claymaniacs again.
Hopefully we will have a concert this year where we can all get together again.

Princess of Power said...

OMG I love this! I wish you would quit shoving those I sang with Clay pictures down my throat though. Ha. And yes I saw you were in the Cuteness of Clay and now Lauren & I hate you more!

Ha! Joking, we hate you the same amount! When are you coming to STL?

X-Factor said...

I also am glad that you are "states side."

As for the cube, it was sweetness until I realize that no where am I pictured.........how sad.

X-Factor said...

shit that was written in 2 different tenses - I wonder if anyone noticed - well now they will.

For shame.