Sunday, June 25, 2006

Reflections of Mexico

I don't feel like doing the three chapters of homework I have to get done today, so I thought I'd do this instead. Much more fun.

I have been back from Mexico for 2 months now, and have yet to sit down and really reflect upon my experience. Everyone asks me how it was, and my response is always the same - oh it was a blast, but it's good to be back in the States! Am I really glad to be back in the States? Well of course, it's great being home with my family and friends. But do I miss Mexico? Surprisingly, yes, I do. I never thought I would miss it, but I do. I have realized that even though I was there for 13 weeks, it feels like I was there for just a spring break trip - a mere week. And it is a little disappointing when I can reduce those 13 weeks of my life into one week - one memory - but at least it's one I will never forget.

Upon reflecting, I thought I would make a list of the things I miss about living in Mexico.

~ $3 taxis to basically wherever you want to go
~ the simple way of life
~ afternoon naps!
~ the all-around friendliness that Americans seem to lack
~ my Mamá having breakfast, lunch, and dinner ready for me
~ $2.50 movie Wednesdays
~ VIP movie theaters
~ the weather - it did not rain once in my entire 13 weeks there
~ not having a tv
~ doing my homework at Starbucks
~ Bon-Ice (the Mexican version of freezees - but sooo much better)
~ not having to be in a constant rush
~ the beach
~ $1.50 Coronas
~ ETN (amazing first-class-like bus transportation, for cheap)
~ speaking Spanish
~ the great friends I made

That last one is key. There were 12 students from my college that went, and we all just got thrown into this crazy journey together. We became friends despite our differences. Some got along better than others, but that's normal. We all swore we would keep in touch and continue to do things together - but let's be honest. Once real life gets back underway, those friends are not the same. Things change. We're not in Mexico anymore - and America is an entirely different ball game. I did walk away from Mexico with two great friends whom I will continue to talk to and see. And for that, I am grateful.

Now for the list of things I don't miss about living in Mexico.

~ cucarachas running around everywhere (cockroaches)
~ men whistling and commenting constantly, as if you're an object
~ the trickle of water I was supposed to call a shower
~ the fans that were considered air conditioning
~ not being able to drink the water
~ having tortillas at every meal
~ feeling fearful instead of safe when cops were around
~ playing human frogger to cross any given street
~ S L O W internet
~ the overall dirtiness
~ short, Mexican guys
~ having to walk everywhere (not having a car)
~ being stared at for wearing shorts
~ church in Spanish
~ not being close to my family and friends

Okay so if you're counting, my list of things I miss is longer than my list of things I don't miss. But that's where the saying quality over quantity comes in - because the things I don't miss outweigh the ones I do. Especially that last one - it felt like my little ones had grown a foot when I finally got home to see them. They hadn't, of course, but there were so many things I missed while I was gone.

I don't regret going to Mexico for 13 weeks. It was another chapter in my life, another amazing experience that I will never forget. One that made me appreciate the life I live here in the States, and all the small things we as Americans take for granted. Living in Mexico was an adventure, one that taught me many things about myself and my life. And even though I am sad it is over, I am very excited about my next adventure - my next new chapter in this crazy life of mine.

Oh, and I definitely miss the beauty of these . . .


Princess of Power said...

Oh Sarah! I loved this post. Very honest.

And blogging is the national I-am-avoiding-homework sport of choice!

Jannet said...

A complete stranger chiming in here...

I really enjoyed your post. I've been there (not Mexico), but relishing in the experience while at the same time being so happy to be home.