Thursday, October 25, 2007


Wow. It's been almost a year. Life has been busy, to say the least. Let's see, an update ...

I passed my first year of nursing school, I'd like to say with flying colors - but there's always that one class that kicks ya in the butt. Summer started, and I passed my LPN boards! Yay! So now I'm an official LPN, I got a job at the nursing home here in town. I love my residents, they make me laugh every day. It's always a plus to enjoy going to work!

Over the summer I did a lot of traveling. First was Florida, then off to Las Vegas. A few weeks later it was time to go to California, and then a couple days later to North Carolina. From North Carolina we drove into Tennessee, and then from there I went straight to Florida again. Phew! I had the time of my life, it was probably one of the funnest summers I've had. Expensive - but worth every penny! At the end of the summer, a good friend of mine visited for a week from Florida. It was his first time here, so I had sort of a mini-vacation in WI/MN with him, taking him to all the sights!

And then school started again. Uggh. I knew this semester was going to be tough, but I don't think I was prepared for just how tough it would be. I have spent 99.9% of my time studying, and the other 0.1% trying to catch up on sleep! I still despise care plans, and have another to add to the list - mind maps. This semester is already half over, where does the time go?! The end is in sight! (Provided I pass all my classes, that is)

Well, yet again, the studying calls. No tests on Monday - thank goodness - but the homework never stops. I am going to try updating my blog a little more often, although with all the time I don't have it won't be easy. But I tend to enjoy breaks from studying, so I might end up blogging everyday! hehe

And that's my update. Now give me yours!

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