Monday, February 06, 2006

Weekend Happenings

Hello everyone! I had a fun weekend, we went on a couple study excursions. Just thought I'd share some pictures. On Saturday, we went to the downtown area of Guadalajara. We saw some churches, el centro, the biggest market in the city, as well as some other things. Then we went to a town called Tlaquepaque, a very neat arts and crafts town - but most of the things were very expensive. Then on Sunday, we went to Laka Chapala. It is the largest lake in Mexico, but it is very contaminated and has algae and plants growing in it - so we didn't get to swim in it or anything. But we did go to a small resort, and got to swim at the pool there and lay out in the sun! Okay, on to the pictures . . . they explain things a bit better.

This is my roommate Linda and I. Our entire group went out on Friday night to have a few drinks together.

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This is the second largest church in Guadalajara. Jamie and I.

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We got to see murals by the famous artist, Jose Clemente Orozco. Here is one of them, it is of the "Father of Mexico", Juan Diego.

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And after taking a million pictures of the murals, we then saw this sign . . . OOPS! Image hosting by Photobucket

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This is a sign on the elevator at one of the buildings we visited. Apparently you have to be in a wheelchair, using a cain, or missing an entire leg to use the elevators here.

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In Chapala on Sunday, 6 of us went for a horseback ride. It was the first time I have ever ridden a horse in my life. Of course, I got the naughty horse. When I got on the thing started to take off in the opposite direction, I was yelling and shaking, and was very close to just jumping off the thing. If I never get on another horse again, it will be too soon.

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We played volleyball at the resort we went to. Yet again, Sarah was the one with the bad luck. I ran to set the ball, and it hit my thumb. I either broke it, jammed it, or sprained it. It's quite puffy and black and blue right now, but I'll live! This is Jamie and I walking up the path at the resort.

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Okay, that's all I have time for. Class is calling. I hope all of you back in the states are doing well!!

Tengan una buena semana! (Have a good week!)


Anonymous said...

Sarah Joy!!!! Great pictures, and you look like you're having fun!!! Too bad about your thmb, and of course you'd get the bad horse...sheesh Got your Valentine in the mail yesterday, sending you a hug and lots of love back!!! Had the Valentine's party with the RTM'ers last night, great fun, but missed your snark!!!
Tengan una buena semana!!!
Lots of love my friend!! MWAH

Anonymous said...

Sarah Joy
Just wanted to stop in and say HI and that I missed talking to you before you left. Sorry. I sure hope that the language is getting a bit easier for you. I see that Sharon stopped by to 'talk' to you too. She hosted a great valentine's party last night. We sure did missed you. Hope that your thumb is not broken! By the way, I rode a horse once and that was enough for me too. haha
He(?) threw me!

Tengan una buena semana - to you too. Take care sweetie. (don't drink the water!)

Anonymous said... good to hear from ya....hey please don't ever go horseback riding if you ever have the thoughts to JUMP of the horse....not a good idea...Looks like you are getting a chance to have a little fun...that is good....Shawndra, aisalynn and I went up north this last snowed none stop...and there you are in mexico....LOL...actually I love the snow... hey i miss you bunches and Aisalynn says hello Auntie Sarah......yep she really a wonderful day my friend
sorry I don't know any spanish....

Princess of Power said...

My fav line: "Of course, I got the naughty horse"

Sarah - you have a lot of friends named anonymous.

This is why I don't play sports. Too much roor for injury.

Cool pics!

I loooved the Vday card!!


X-Factor said...

OMG SJ I just got your card - how GREAT! Just what I needed for the holiday-o-crap! haha! Hope you are doing tequila shots for me.
